英国利物浦大学Prof. Xu Zhu 学术报告海报


英国利物浦大学电机与电子工程系Xu Zhu(朱旭)副教授近期来我访问,并将于20121226号(星期三下午)在公司武汉光电国家实验室举行一次学术报告活动讲座内容为宽带无线通信中的MIMO系统新技术ICA,欢迎全校师生踊跃参加。
题目:Independent Component Analysis--an Innovative Technique for Wireless MIMO Systems
人:Xu Zhu
朱旭1999年本科毕业于一竞技官网(原华中理工大学)电子与信息工程系,后被教育部保送至香港科技大学电机与电子工程系学习,于2003年获得博士学位,之后在英国利物浦大学电机与电子工程系85万英镑的研究经费。她的研究兴趣包括跨层优化,接力通信,认知无线网络,信道均衡,时空信号处理,多用户通信,盲检测算法, 和宽带OFDM技术等。朱旭博士是IEEE高级会员和IET会员。她是 IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 期刊的编辑, Computer Science and Information Systems 期刊 ICSAI 2012 特别专刊的客座编辑。她担任了2006 和2008 年度 ICARN International Workshop的会议副主席, ICSAI 2012技术委员会的主席,和 IEEE IUCC-2012的出版主席。她还多次担任IEEE和IET期刊及会议的审稿人和国际会议的分会场主席或筹备组成员。朱旭已成功指导毕业了7名博士研究生(其中两人获得国家优秀自费职工奖学金)和30余名硕士研究生,还先后指导了6名博士后。她目前指导10名博士生。担任教职,目前为副教授。朱旭博士已在无线通讯和信号处理领域发表了上百篇高水平的国际期刊和会议论文,并申请到了
报告摘要:Multiple-input multi-output (MIMO) is an effective technology for wireless broadband communications. The applications of independent component analysis (ICA), an efficient higher-order statistics (HOS) based blind source separation (BSS) technique, are introduced for wireless MIMO systems, along with some of the important issues surrounding them. The ICA based blind/semi-blind frequency-domain equalization schemes are proposed for wireless MIMO channels, and ICA is also used for blind/semi-blind compensation for in-phase/quadrature (I/Q) imbalance and carrier frequency offset (CFO). Simulation and measurement results show that the ICA based equalization methods can achieve a performance that is much better than those of the previous methods, and close to the case with perfect channel state information (CSI), no I/Q imbalance and no CFO.
ZHU Xu received the BEng degree (with first class honours) in 1999 from the Department of Electronics and Information Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China, and the PhD degree in 2003 from the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong. Since May 2003, she has been with the Department of Electrical Engineering and Electronics, the University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK, where she is currently a Senior Lecturer. Dr. Zhu has over 100 refereed publications in highly ranked international journals and conference proceedings, in the broad area of communications and signal processing. Her research interests include wireless MIMO systems, equalization, OFDM techniques, resource allocation, cooperative communications, cross-layer design, cognitive radio, ultra-wideband radio and smart grid communications. Dr. Zhu is a senior member of IEEE and a member of IET. She is an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, and has served as a Guest Editor for the ICSAI 2012 Special Issue in Computer Science and Information Systems. She was Vice Chair of the 2006 and 2008 ICARN International Workshops, Program Chair of the ICSAI 2012, and Publication Chair of the IEEE IUCC-2012. Dr. Zhu has received research grants of over £850k since 2006, including £600k as the Principle Investigator, from various funding bodies such as EPSRC, KTP and EU. Since 2006, she has graduated 7 PhD students and over 30 MSc students as the first supervisor, and has supervised 6 post-doc researchers successfully. Currently Dr. Zhu has 10 PhD students in her research group.

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