美国三菱电机研究院(MERL)Huifang Sun博士本周访问公司,并进行学术讲座两场,内容涉及下一代高效视频编码标准HEVC和感知视频编码,具体安排如下:
报告题目:HEVC Overview
Digital video signal processing is an area of science and engineering that has developed rapidly over the past decade. The video coding standards developed by the moving picture expert group (MPEG) and ITU Video Coding Experts Group (VCEG) play a very important role for the video industry, which provide key technologies for digital transmission and storage of video signals. In this talk, I will give an update of recent video coding standard activities and progresses on the HEVC.
报告题目:Perceptual Video Coding
Image and video coding is one of the most critical techniques in modern multimedia signal processing. The state of the-art image/video codecs can compress image and video at considerably low bit rates with good quality. However, the quality and mode-dependent decisions inside the codecs are typically measured using PSNR, mean-square error, or mean-absolute error, which are well known metrics that do not necessarily related to the ultimate signal receiver, i.e. human vision system (HVS). The successful use of perceptual coding proved that by exploiting the characteristics of human visual system, redundant information can be discarded without noticeable distortion, and thus the bit-rate of the coded signal can be significantly reduced. In this talk, I will present basic concept of perceptual video coding and proposed a HEVC-based framework for perceptual video coding.
Huifang Sun graduated from Harbin Military Engineering Institute, Harbin, China, and received the Ph.D. from University of Ottawa, Canada. He was an Associate Professor in Fairleigh Dickinson University in 1990. He joined to Sarnoff Corporation in 1990 as a member of technical staff and was promoted to a Technology Leader of Digital Video Communication. In 1995, he joined Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL) and was promoted as Vice President and Deputy Director in 2003 and currently is a Fellow of MERL. He has co-authored two books and published more than 140 Journal and Conference papers. He holds more than 60 US patents. He got Technical Achievement Award for optimization and specification of the Grand Alliance HDTV video compression algorithm in 1994 at Sarnoff Lab. He received the best paper award of 1992 IEEE Transaction on Consumer Electronics, the best paper award of 1996 ICCE and the best paper award of 2003 IEEE Transaction on CSVT. He was an Associate Editor for IEEE Transaction on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology and was the Chair of Visual Processing Technical Committee of IEEE Circuits and System Society. He is an IEEE Fellow.