Title : Electromagnetic bandgap and metamaterial-inspired common-mode filtering structures
Abstract – Common mode noise in high-speed differential signaling results in significant signal integrity and unintentional EMI concerns. Past work has shown that common mode filters using electromagnetic bandgap (EBG) and complementary split-ring resonator structures can be implemented using standard PCB technology and are effective in suppressing common mode transmission in differential interconnects. When implemented in a multilayer PCB environment, this common-mode energy, when filtered, can result in crosstalk through coupling to parallel-plane waveguide modes. Recent collaborations between Rose-Hulman, IBM Research Triangle Park and the EMC Laboratory at L’Aquila, Italy have explored the use of via stitching and fences as one means of mitigating and improving performance of these common-mode filtering structures.
Edward Wheeler
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
a. Professional Preparation
B.S., Electrical Engineering, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology (1982)
M.S., Electrical Engineering, University of Missouri-Rolla (1993)
Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, University of Missouri-Rolla (1996)
b. Appointments
2011 - Professor, ECE Department, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
2004-2010 Associate Professor, ECE Department, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
1999-2004 Assistant Professor, ECE Department, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
1996-1999 Assistant Professor, ECE Department, Virginia Military Institute