Title: Graph Processing and Mining in the Era ofBig Data
Prof Chengqi Zhang
Director, Centre for Quantum Computation& Intelligent Systems (QCIS)
University of Technology,Sydney, Australia
With the emergence and rapid proliferationof applications that deal with big graphs, such as web graphs (Google, Yahoo),social networks (Facebook, Twitter), e-commerce networks (Amazon, Ebay), androad networks, graph processing and mining has become increasingly prevalentand important in recent years. However, in the era of big data, the explosionand profusion of available graph data in a wide range of application domainsrise up new challenges and opportunities in graph processing and mining.
Graph processing and mining isone of the research strengths in the centre for Quantum Computation andIntelligent Systems (QCIS) at the University of Technology, Sydney(UTS). In this talk, I will firstinvestigate the new challenges for graph processing and mining in the era ofbig data. To tackle these challenges, I will introduce the recent researchdevelopments in QCIS in terms of new graph query semantics, new graph miningtasks, new query processing algorithms, new graph indexing techniques, and newcomputing paradigms. Finally, I will show our current achievements in buildinga general-purpose graph processing and mining system in QCIS centre, and discussour potential future research directions.
ChengqiZhang has been appointed as a Research Professor of Information Technology atThe University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) since December 2001. He has been theDirector of the UTS Research Centre for Quantum Computation & IntelligentSystems (QCIS) since April 2008.
Chengqi Zhang obtained his PhD degree from the University of Queenslandin 1991, followed by a Doctor of Science (DSc – Higher Doctorate) from Deakin Universityin 2002, all from computer science.
Hehad been appointed by University of New England (UNE) from 1990 to 1998 asLecturer, Senior Lecturer, and Associate Professor, then Deakin Universityfrom 1999 to 2001 as Associate Professor, then UTS from 2002 till now asResearch Professor.
Prof.Zhang’s key areas of research are Distributed Artificial Intelligence, DataMining and its applications. He has published more than 200 refereed researchpapers, including a number of papers in the first-class international journals,such as Artificial Intelligence, IEEE and ACM Transactions. He has delivered 14keynote/invited speeches at international conferences over the last eightyears. He has attracted 12 ARC grants of $4.7M. He has supervised 30+ PhDstudents in completion. He received NSW State Science and Engineering Award inEngineer and ICT category in 2011 and also UTS Chancellor research excellenceaward in Research Leadership category in 2011.
Prof. Zhang is a Fellow of the Australian Computer Society (ACS) and a SeniorMember of the IEEE Computer Society (IEEE). He had been serving ARC as an ARCCollege of Expert from 2012 to 2014. Hehas been the Chair of the Australian Computer Science National Committee onArtificial Intelligence from 2005 till now. He was General Co-Chair of PAKDD2014, WI/IAT 2018, ICDM 2010, and KDD 2015. He is also Local Arrangements Chairof IJCAI 2017.