

Seminar Announcement
September 6, Friday,10:00-12:00am,Room:武汉光电国家实验室A302
Mobile-end social multimedia computing and analytics
Prof. Rongrong Ji
Intelligent Multimedia Technology Laboratory
Xiamen University
In this talk, I will review several recent works in mobile and social multimedia computing done in my group. First, I will introduce our recent work in social multimedia sentiment analytics. In this direction, I will introduce a large-scale visual sentiment ontology design, as well as a middle-level visual attribute descriptor called SentiBank. I will show its effectiveness in predicting sentiments from image and text for Twitter hashtags. Second, I will present a recent advance in compact descriptor for visual search, together with its related MPEG Standard process. A low-bit-rate mobile location search system will be shown, with the functionality to extract compact features efficiently on the mobile end. The key design lies in developing a low-rank based feature compression scheme enabling extracting salient landmark regions from the touristic photos and discarding the backgrounds. Third, I will present a client-end multi-user augmented reality demo, with the ability to simultaneously reconstructing and labeling 3D point clouds using only several mobile devices. This technique can be integrated into the cutting edge mobile-end augmented reality systems like Google Glass.
Professor Rongrong Ji is currectly wokring at Xiamen University since 2013, where he directs the Intelligent Multimedia Technology Laboratory (http://imt.xmu.edu.cn, http://imt.xmu.edu.cn/rrji-en.html) and serves as a Dean Assistant in the School of Information Science and Technology. Before that, he used to be a Postdoc research fellow in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Columbia University from 2010 to 2013, worked with Professor Shih-Fu Chang. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in computer science from Harbin Institute of Technology. He had been a visiting student at University of Texas of San Antonio worked with Professor Qi Tian, and a research assistant at Peking University worked with Professor Wen Gao in 2010, a research intern at Microsoft Research Asia, worked with Dr. Xing Xie from 2007 to 2008.
He is the author of over 40 tired-1 journals and conferences including IJCV, TIP, TMM, ICCV, CVPR, IJCAI, AAAI, and ACM Multimedia. His research interests include image and video search, content understanding, mobile visual search, and social multimedia analytics. Dr. Ji is the recipient of the Best Paper Award at ACM Multimedia 2011, Microsoft Fellowship 2007, and Best Thesis Award of Harbin Institute of Technology. He is a guest editor for IEEE Multimedia Magazine, Neurocomputing, and ACM Multimedia Systems Journal. He has been a special session chair of MMM 2014, VCIP 2013, MMM 2013 and PCM 2012. He serves as reviewers for IEEE TPAMI, IJCV, TIP, TMM, CSVT, TSMC A\B\C and IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, etc. He is in the program committees of over 10 top conferences including CVPR 2013, ICCV 2013, ECCV 2012, ACM Multimedia 2013-2010, etc.

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