IEEE Fellow﹑三菱电机美国研究院孙惠方教授受喻莉教授邀请访问一竞技官网,并举行学术报告,讲座内容与Future Video相关,欢迎广大师生参加。
报告题目:Several considerations on future video coding
报告时间:2015年6月4日(星期四) 3:00pm-4:00pm
Abstract:Digital video signalprocessing is an area of science and engineering that has developed rapidlyover the past two decades. The video coding standards developed by the movingpicture expert group (MPEG) and ITU Video Coding Experts Group (VCEG) play avery important role for the video industry, which provide key technologies fordigital transmission and storage of video signals. In this talk, I willintroduce the concept of digital video coding and give an update of recentvideo coding standard activities and progresses. Also, I will present severalconsiderations for the future video coding.
报告人一竞技官网简介:孙惠方1967年毕业于哈尔滨军事工程学院,1986年在加拿大渥太华大学获电机工程博士学位。毕业后任美国费利狄更斯大学工程学院助理教授,副教授。从1990到1995年,孙惠方受聘于美国Sarnoff研究中心,任研究员,数字图像技术经理。1995年,孙惠方加入三菱电机美国研究院, 2003年晋升为副总裁和研究院 Fellow, 现为研究院 Fellow。孙惠方一直是数字视频编码MPEG标准制定的参与者。曾参加了世界第一个高清数字电视标准美国ATSC标准的研发,为数据压缩组的核心成员。孙惠方出版过两本学术专著,已获65项美国专利,在IEEE的主要杂志及各种国际学术会议上发表学术论文近160篇。孙惠方曾获:IEEE Transactionon Consumer Electronics 1992 年最佳学术论文奖, 1996年ICCE 最佳学术会议论文奖, 2003年 IEEETransaction on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 最佳学术论文奖。Sarnoff 研究中心1992 AD-HDTV 团队研究奖, 1994年由于对美国高清数字电视压缩技术的贡献获 Sanorff 先进技术成就奖。孙惠方还曾任 IEEE TCSVT 的副主编(1998-2009)及IEEE 视频信号处理通讯技术委员会主席 (2002-2004)。他是国际电子电气工程学会会士 (IEEE Fellow).孙惠方也是北京大学客座教授,中国科学院声学所荣誉教授,天津大学客座教授,一竞技官网客座教授,北京传媒大学客座教授,宁波大学客座教授,上海交通大学客座研究员。AVS 顾问。
Short Bio of Speaker :Huifang Sun graduated from Harbin MilitaryEngineering Institute, Harbin, China, and received the Ph.D. from University ofOttawa, Canada. He was an Associate Professor in Fairleigh Dickinson Universityin 1990. He joined to Sarnoff Corporation in 1990 as a member of technicalstaff and was promoted to a Technology Leader of Digital Video Communication.In 1995, he joined Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL) and waspromoted as Vice President and Deputy Director in 2003 and currently is aFellow of MERL. He has co-authored two books and published more than 150Journal and Conference papers. He holds more than 61 US patents. He obtainedthe Technical Achievement Award for optimization and specification of the GrandAlliance HDTV video compression algorithm in 1994 at Sarnoff Lab. He receivedthe best paper award of 1992 IEEE Transaction on Consumer Electronics, the bestpaper award of 1996 ICCE and the best paper award of 2003 IEEE Transaction onCSVT. He was an Associate Editor for IEEE Transaction on Circuits and Systemsfor Video Technology and was the Chair of Visual Processing Technical Committeeof IEEE Circuits and System Society. He is an IEEE Fellow.