

报告题目:Unveil the UnknownUnderwater with Acoustic Communications




Abstract:The Earth is a blue planet. Approximately 71% of the Earth’s surface is coveredby ocean, which corresponds to an area of 361 million km2 and avolume of 1.3 billion km3. Most of this vastness is unexplored andremains a mystery. To address the vision of Anywhere Networking, a newframework needs to be developed in order to leverage the full potential ofunderwater sensor networks by adapting and exploiting the intrinsic propertiesof the underwater environment. In this talk, we will discuss various designissues and practical solutions towards robust, adaptive, and low-latencyunderwater acoustic sensor networks. Topics will cover effective and efficienttransceiver design resolving the Doppler effects inevitable underwater,relay-aided underwater acoustic communications with improved power/spectrumefficiency, and dynamic spatial reuse designs boosting the network throughput.


Speaker’s Short Bio: Dr.Liuqing Yang received her Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineeringfrom the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis,in 2004. She is presently a Professor with Colorado State University. Her generalinterests are in signal processing with applications to communications,networking and power systems – subjects on which she has published more than 210journal and conference papers, 3 book chapters and 1 book. Dr. Yang was therecipient of the Best Dissertation Award in the Physical Sciences &Engineering from the University of Minnesota in 2004, theBest Paper Award at the IEEE ICUWB’06, ICCC’13, ITSC’14, and Globecom’14, theONR Young Investigator Program (YIP) award in 2007, and the NSF Faculty EarlyCareer Development (CAREER) award in 2009. She has served as an active reviewerfor more than 10 journals, as TPC chair/member for a number of conferences, andas an associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Communications, IEEETransactions on Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on IntelligentTransportation Systems, IEEE Intelligent Systems, and PHYCOM: PhysicalCommunication. Dr. Yang is an IEEE Fellow, an Distinguished Lecturer for bothITSS and ComSoc since 2014, the co-chair of the Mobile Communication Networkstechnical committee of the IEEE ITSS since 2006, and member of the IEEE ITSSFellow Committee since 2015.

主讲人:杨柳青博士于2004年获得明尼苏达大学电子与计算机工程的博士学位。现为科罗拉多州立大学教授。她的主要研究方向为通信、网络、能源系统方面的信号处理,在该领域发表210多篇期刊和会议论文,撰著相关书籍3章节,独立著书1本。杨博士2004年于明尼苏达大学获得自然科学及工程类的最佳学位论文奖,曾获得IEEE ICUWB’06,ICCC’13, ITSC’14, Globecom’14最佳论文奖。2007年获得美国(海军研究局)杰出青年科学家项目奖,2009年获得美国国家科学基金会早期职业发展奖。杨博士还担任多种期刊评审专家,如TPC多项会议的主席,IEEE Transactions on Communications, IEEETransactions on Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on IntelligentTransportation Systems, IEEE Intelligent Systems, PHYCOM: PhysicalCommunication副主编。杨博士是IEEE Fellow,也是ITSSComSoc的杰出报告人,IEEE ITSS移动通信网络技术委员会联合主席,IEEE ITSS学术委员会成员。

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