

Title: Combating Interruptions in Cognitive Radio Networks: Challenges without Existing Answers

题目: 克服认知无线电网络中的干扰: 没有已知答案的挑战

李虎生 田纳西大学副教授、 普林斯顿大学博士

时间:2009526日上午1000 地点:光电国家实验室F401

摘要: 干扰和衰落是设计和分析传统无线网络的主要问题. 在认知无线电网络中, 最近一种新颖的技术被提出去解决从主要用户带来的干扰的问题. 这个技术深刻的影响了认知无线电网络理论.本讲座将讨论这个认知无线电理论中的前沿问题。

Abstract: Interference and fading are the two dominating factors in the design and analysis of traditional wireless networks. In cognitive radio systems, a novel technique developed in recent years, a new challenge, namely interruption from primary users, emerges, which causes substantial impact on cognitive radio networks. In this talk, we will discuss the features of interruption distinguishing from interference and fading, as well as the motivation to combat interruptions. Three aspects of combating interruptions will be previewed: (a) modeling interruption patterns using graphical models and imaging techniques, as well as the applications in upper layer issues like opportunistic routing and spectrum aware congestion control; (b) impact of interruptions on data transmission, including the topics of interruptions in queuing systems, impact on collaboration communication systems and using multiple description sourcing coding to alleviate the interruptions; (c) multi-agent learning: learning for multiuser spectrum access, pricing for social optimality, learning for graphical games and energy efficiency.

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