世界知名的无线网络、云计算、及光网络专家,美国纽约州立大学Buffalo分校乔春明教授将于10月10 日上午来我系作学术报告,有关信息如下:
题目:Beyond Cloud Computing: Federated Computing and Networking System (FCNS)(云计算和一种新的分布式计算)
报告人:Chunming Qiao教授
This talk will discuss issues in what we call a Federated Computing and Networking System (FCNS) consisting of computing facility nodes (e.g., clusters and data centers) that are interconnected with wide-area optical networks. In the envisioned FCNS, users submit distributed computing “jobs” to the FCNS provider, who will try to complete the jobs using its own computing and WDM networking resources (or resources that belong to a third party for which the FCNS provider is a broker). More specifically, for each job request, the FCNS provider needs to provision what we call an Application-Specific, Agile, and Private (ASAP) platform that meets the application requirements for a set of computing resources and their connectivity in terms of topology, bandwidth and latency, as well as Service Level Agreements (SLAs) on performance (e.g., job completion deadline, availability/reliability). FCNS is expected to become the next generation of Cloud/Utility Computing as the former is capable of interacting directly with the physical layer optical networks, integrating a larger scale of computing and wide-area networking resources, and providing stronger Service Level Agreements (SLAs) including survivability.
Dr. Chunming Qiao is a Professor at SUNY Buffalo where he directs the Lab for Advanced Network Design, Analysis, and Research (LANDER), which conducts cutting-edge research work on optical networks, wireless and mobile networks, survivable networks, and TCP/IP technologies. He has published more than 80 and 120 papers in leading technical journals and conference proceedings, respectively. His pioneering research on Optical Internet, in particular, the optical burst switching (OBS) paradigm is internationally acclaimed. In addition, his work on integrated cellular and ad hoc relaying systems (iCAR), started in 1999, is recognized as the harbinger for today's push towards the convergence between heterogeneous wireless technologies, and has been featured in BusinessWeek and Wireless Europe, as well as at the websites of New Scientists and CBC. His Research has been funded by five NSF grants as a PI including two ITR awards, and by seven major telecommunications companies, as well as Industrial Technology Research Institute (in Taiwan).
Dr. Qiao has given several keynotes, tutorials and invited talks on the above research topics. He has chaired and co-chaired a dozen of international conferences and workshops. He has been an editor of IEEE Transactions on Networking (ToN) and a guest-editor for several IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC) issues, as well as the chair of the IEEE Technical Committee on High Speed Networks (HSN). Currently, he is on the editorial board of several journals and magazines including IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), and chairs the IEEE Subcommittee on Integrated Fiber and Wireless Technologies (FiWi) which he founded.
乔春明教授1993年于美国匹兹堡大学获得Computer Science博士学位,目前是纽约州立大学布法罗分校(SUNY Buffalo)的教授,他所领导的LANDER实验室主要从事光网络、无线和移动网络、可生存网络,以及TCP / IP技术等方面的前沿性研究。乔春明教授已在相关领域核心期刊和重要会议上分别发表80多篇和140多篇论文。乔春明教授在光因特网,特别是光突发交换(OBS)方向上的开创性研究得到了国际学术界的广泛认可,OBS已成为当前光网络技术领域内最重要的研究方向之一。他自1999年开始的关于蜂窝网络与自组中继集成系统(iCAR)方面的工作,被认为是推动异构无线技术融合的先驱性工作,并为美国商业周刊、加拿大广播公司、Wireless Europe、New Scientists(英国)等媒体和杂志所报道。乔教授的研究已得到美国国家科学基金会的五次资助,并取得众多著名通讯公司(如Alcatel-Lucent、 Fujitsu Labs,NEC Labs America, Nokia、Nortel、Sprint、以及Telcordia等)和台湾工业技术研究院的资金支持。
乔春明教授除在上述领域应邀做过十几次主题演讲和四十几次学术讲座外,还曾在十几个国际会议和研讨会内担任主席、合作主席、技术委员会主席等职务,包括APOC'01,APOC'02,Opticomm'02,INFOCOM'07,ICC'08,IEEE MASS'08,ICC'10等,以及众多专题研讨会(Workshop)的主席或合作主席。乔春明教授目前担任或曾经担任过Elsevier Optical Switching and Networking编辑(2004 .01—目前)、IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems编辑(2007.06—目前)、IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking编辑(2001.03—2009.02)、Journal of High Speed Networks编辑(1998-2004)、Optical Networks Magazine编辑(1999-2002)、IEEE Communication Society(ComSoc)总体编辑(2000-2002)、 IEEE Communications Magazine专题编辑(2002-2006)以及IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC)杂志的多期应邀编辑等。
主席 Technical Group on Optical Networks (TGON),1999-2003
副主席 IEEE Technical Committee on High-Speed Networking (TCHSN),2001-2006
主席 IEEE Technical Committee on High-Speed Networking (TCHSN),2006-2008
主席 IEEE Technical SubCommittee on Fiber and Wireless Integration for Access/Metro (FiWi), 2006 – 目前
另外,乔春明教授目前也是美国Fulbright 资深专家 (senior specialist),上海交通大学客座教授和教育部“111”工程北京交通大学顾问专家。