应光电国家实验室光通信与智能网络研究部的邀请,三菱电机美国研究院副经理、IEEE FELLOW孙惠方博士将于7月21和22日两个上午来作学术报告。欢迎感兴趣的老师和同学踊跃参加!
题目 TITLE:多视点视频编码 ------Multiview video coding
时间TIME:2009年7月21日上午9:00 ------July 21st 9:00am
地点 ROOM:武汉光电国家实验室F401
报告人Speaker: 孙惠方博士Dr. Huifang Sun
报告摘要Report Abstract:
Conventional video coding systems are designed to encode the video from a single video source. With the emergence of new interactive applications and display technology that require multiple views of video, there is a need to extend the conventional coding schemes to exploit the redundancy between camera views and provide higher coding efficiency than independent coding of each view. Disparity compensated prediction is one of the more common techniques to exploit inter-view correlations. In this scheme, certain views are encoded independently using a standard video encoder; these independently encoded views are reference views. The remaining views are then encoded using temporal prediction and inter-view spatial predictions based on reconstructed reference views. The prediction can be etermined adaptively on a per block basis.
题目 TITLE:关于数字视频技术的新研究课题------ New research topics of Digital Video Technology
时间TIME:2009年7月22日上午10:30 ------July 22nd 10:30am
地点 ROOM:武汉光电国家实验室F401
报告人Speaker: 孙惠方博士Dr. Huifang Sun
报告摘要Report Abstract:
In this talk, I will give an overview of concept digital video technology and several new topics undergoing in research community and MPEG standard activities. This talk also will briefly introduce several new areas such as high dynamic range video coding and full color professional video coding.
孙惠方博士1986年在加拿大渥太华大学获电机工程博士学位,现为IEEE Fellow、三菱电机美国研究院副经理、高级研究员,北京大学客座教授。已发表学术论文120余篇,拥有20余项美国专利。
曾获:IEEE Transaction on Consumer Electronics 1992 年最佳学术论文奖, 1996年ICCE 最佳学术会议论文奖, 2003年 IEEE Transaction on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 最佳学术论文奖等。