

香港浸会大学阮邦志(Pong C Yuen)教授将于122日来我系访问和招生,举办学术讲座的信息如下:



题目:Human Action Recognition


With the growing installation of surveillance cameras in public areas, ranging small-scale stand-alone applications in banks and supermarkets to large-scale networked-close-circuit television (CCTV) in law enforcement applications in public streets, there is an increasing demand of computer vision technology for understanding human activity in the scene. This is a very challenging and hot research topic in computer vision community. This talk will present our recent results of our on-going project on human action recognition. The proposed method consists of three major steps, namely human motion detection, human motion feature extraction and human action classifier. Results on popular publicly available databases including KTH, Weizmann, CAVIAR and PETS, will be reported.



  在1996年,Dr.Yuen 获得了悉尼大学奖学金并访问该校电子工程系的图像科学与工程实验室。在1998年,Dr.Yuen 花费6个月的公休假期访问了马里兰大学的The University of Marylan Institue for Advanced Computer Studies(UMIACS)的计算机视觉实验室CFAR。从20056月到20061月,Dr.Yuen 在法国INRIA Rhone Alpes GRAVIR实验室(GRAphics,Vision,and Robotics)做客座教授,他参予了PRIMA GroupDr.Yuen2004Croucher Advanced Study Institute(ASI) on biometric authentication2007Croucher ASI on Biometric Security and Privacy的主要负责人。作为组织委员会成员和/或技术委员会成员例如FGICBDr.Yuen 积极地参与了许多国际会议。近期,Dr.Yuen2006International Conference on Pattern Recognition(ICPR)track co-chair。现在Dr.YuenPattern Recognition的编辑委员会成员。


湖北省武汉市洪山区珞喻路1037号东十七楼  电话:027-87792776  领导邮箱:husteic@hust.edu.cn

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